08 July 2012

Preventing Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary heart disease including the scourge of many diseases that cause death, including in the United States. Death rate is increasing. Not just in the United States alone, coronary heart disease in the world had become one of the killers of heart disease included in the three major diseases that cause death.

Therefore, we also need to know how to prevent coronary heart was that we did not experience the disease which has resulted in many casualties.

Can prevent coronary heart from sharing it. From the start our healthy living habits, regular exercise and also to pay attention to healthy eating.

Here are some tips to prevent coronary heart disease in terms of healthy eating:

Eat fruit to reproduce. In some countries, people's habits in terms of fruit consumption is still low. People prefer fast food, which of course if often done and also consumed a lot and also in the long term will result in less healthy for our heart health. Of consumption of fruits we have a lot of vitamins for the body and also high in fiber.

Limiting Oily Foods. This can be done by limiting fried foods. Oil in this case provides two times more calories than the others so that when consumed will cause a lot of overweight and one of the factors of coronary heart disease is obesity / overweight. Select the type of oil that is not saturated (as it reduces the risk of narrowing of blood vessels including coronary arteries / coronary). These types of oils like corn oil, soybean oil and olive oil. In addition we also need to avoid and reduce oil derived from coconut oil, palm oil, lard oil or animal (beef or chicken fat).

Attention to information in terms of nutrition and how to cook a good and true. By the time we buy food products on the packaging, we must consider the content of saturated fat (saturated fat), because this oil is not good for our heart health. If we have a meal outside the home / travel we also need to have guidance in selecting and processing of food that are good for coronary health.

Eating lots of fish. Fish in this case tend to have fat and cholesterol levels low. Moreover, the type of fish that live in marine fish such as salmon and tuna because of the many types of fish contain omega 3 is good for our heart health.

Hopefully by implementing a healthy diet, we also participated protect our health, especially in terms of preventing coronary heart disease. Let us start now to try and implement a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating for our heart health.


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