08 July 2012

Terrible Impacts of Coronary Artery Disease In Your Body

Impact of coronary artery disease in blood pressure can cause high blood pressure (hypertension). Plaque deposits that occur make blood vessels constrict thereby inhibiting the smooth flow of blood.

Drugs given to combat this, the drug that lowers blood pressure and reduce heart work too hard. Also added a drug that the blood flow.

Another effect is coronary heart patients will experience an irregular heartbeat or in medical terms is called an arrhythmia. Heartbeat can suddenly and unexpectedly high low. At the severe level, it is not impossible that it will cause an unconscious condition or even death.

Heart rhythm disturbances can occur at any time and is a warning sign of coronary heart disease. About the rhythm of the heartbeat, there are several classifications, which is called sinus tachycardia (rapid heart rate), sinus bradycardia (slow heartbeat), ventricular tachycardia (rapid heart rate and irregular heart at the bottom), or atrial fibrillation (vibration at the top of the heart).

Not only that, coronary heart disease can also cause damage in other organs. Kidney and liver usually gets the bad effects of organ damage in the heart. Though both are very vital organ in the body. The kidneys have to exhaust filter function of the blood. Likewise with the liver that had a function to extract the food we eat.

If they are unable to work normally, obviously bad for the body because it addresses the vital organs have lost their function well and will surely lead to chaos in the body. Supposing, as countries whose leaders have been paralyzed and can not carry out their duties properly, then surely the country's in big trouble.

How To Cure Coronary Heart

A number of plant materials able to cope with coronary heart disease. As Noni Juice and ants nest. Both herbs are able to destroy the blockage that occurs in the arteries, blood circulation, and control the heart rhythm back to normal. In the case of emergencies such as heart attack, patients should be immediately taken to the hospital to get help.

Bottom line, if you feel there's something wrong with your heart, you should immediately consult a doctor for immediate examination of the heart. If you are sentenced to suffer from coronary heart disease, you can know what should be done to treat it.


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